Professional-Security acknowledges that the security industry in many respects has been overlooked in its importance in providing protection to those who rely on it without understanding the realisation and the commitment by those that protect and keep them safe.
The security industry in many respects has become the 4th emergency service after the Police, Ambulance and fire service. It is common practice that the security industry while expanding and being regulated by the SIA has incorporated increased dangers seen on levels parallel to the main emergency services.
The increased dangers of being in the front line and dealing with terrorism as experienced in recent events, alongside the general duties required by SIA qualified security personnel have expanded.
Professional-Security acknowledges our industry has in effect become the 4th emergency service that are relied upon 24/7, 365 days of the year with increased reliability at special events to ensure that the public are managed and kept out of harm’s way.
The security industry continues to evolve but is an industry that is not protected adequately for those that work within the profession.
The significance of an industry that requires several skills, training, and judgement in a time of an emergency is in many respects undervalued and overlooked.
Our company aims to expand on the importance of our work and industry while working with the SIA, and other security industry organisation and without compromising on quality or safety but bringing our contribution to the forefront by looking inwards and expressing the dangers of being the line between protecting the public and those that wish to present harm.
Professional-Security are always on the lookout for security personnel that have worked in or wish to work within the security industry and make it their career choice.
We are interested in individuals that are good communicators, competent, trustworthy, committed, and ambitious with a creative mind to assist Professional Security Services in their growth and expansion.
Self Employed /contractor
In return we will be able to ensure that as an individual working alongside Professional-Security we will assist and encourage your development with us even as a self-employed contractor you will be considered a full member of our company with room to move up as a self- employed contractor within the company.
The benefits of working under the umbrella of our company will include but not be limited to having access to areas that assist and help you develop as an individual and become secure in the security industry.
SIA and other legal issues
It is always a traumatic time being at risk of suspension or having to deal with the SIA and or having your licence suspended or revoked. As a Employed, Self Employed or contractor Professional Security Services will stand with you in giving you legal assistance where it is clear that you have followed all the legal processes in protecting yourself, clients and venue form criminal activities.
Professional Security Services work closely with insurances companies to ensure that our Employees, Self Employed or contractor are covered by insurance that will protect them and their family in a time of need.uation that may arise, ensuring your safety and minimizing risks.
Being in a union expresses the importance and protection of you, your industry and work. It shows that you are part of something that show professionalism.It also express that while you are protected from being taking advantage of it will assist in you maintaining improved and protected working conditions.
Professional Security Services actively encourages joining a union not just for the above mention reasons but allow for all that advantages it bring.
We work with companies that will give you discounts that range from, Gym Membership, Discounts on shopping and food.
The Security Industry Authority is the organisation responsible for regulating the private security industry. We are an independent body reporting to the Home Secretary, under the terms of the Private Security Industry Act 2001. Our remit covers the United Kingdom.
We have two main duties. One is the compulsory licensing of individuals undertaking designated activities within the private security industry; the other is to manage the voluntary Approved Contractor Scheme, which measures private security suppliers against independently assessed criteria.
SIA licensing covers manned guarding (including security guarding, door supervision, close protection, cash and valuables in transit, and public space surveillance using CCTV), key holding and vehicle immobilising. Licensing ensures that private security operatives are ‘fit and proper’ persons who are properly trained and qualified to do their job.
Our Approved Contractor Scheme introduced a set of operational and performance standards for suppliers of private security services. Those organisations that meet these standards are awarded Approved Contractor status. This accreditation provides purchasers of private security services with independent proof of a contractor’s commitment to quality.
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